Summer School 2024

The Seventh European Summer School on Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Cognition was held in Hinterstoder, Austria, in August 2024.

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Organizers and instructors:
Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol, UK)
Jana Lasser (University of Graz, Auatria)
Klaus Oberauer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Joachim Vandekerckhove (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Casimir Ludwig (University of Bristol, UK)
Gordon Brown (University of Warwick, UK)
Chris Donkin (University of Munich, Germany)
Michael Nunez (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Trish Van Zandt (Ohio State University, USA)
David Garcia (University of Konstanz, Germany)



“I really appreciated the collaborative aspect of it. The fact that we could approach the instructors at any time was very helpful, as well as the collaboration amongst students, which I benefitted from greatly.”

“I enjoyed the breadth of topics! I am using the skills I learned in my work right now.”

“The openness and friendliness of the teachers and students, the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds, and the extraordinary inspiration that comes with it.”

“The level of expertise was fantastic and I thought everyone was so welcoming and inviting. This is especially important because some of this content was quite challenging and itcould have been overwhelming if we (as students) didn’t feel so supported and empowered to ask for help.”